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2020 | nr 39 | 21--40
Tytuł artykułu

The Problem of Uncertainty and Risk as a Subject of Research of the Nobel Prize Laureates in Economic Sciences

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Języki publikacji
Aim/purpose - The main aim of the present paper is to identify the problem of uncer- tainty and risk in research carried out by th e Nobel Prize Laureates in Economic Sciences and its analysis by disciplines/sub-disciplin es represented by the awarded researchers. Design/methodology/approach - The paper rests on the literature analysis, mostly analysis of research achievements of the Nobel Prize Laureates in Economic Sciences. Findings - Studies have determined that research on uncertainty and risk is carried out in many disciplines and sub-disciplines of economic sciences. In addition, it has been established that a number of researchers amon g the Nobel Prize laureates in the field of economic sciences, take into account the issu es of uncertainty and risk. The analysis showed that researchers select ed from the Nobel Prize laureates have made a significant contribution to raising awareness of the import ance of uncertainty and risk in many areas of the functioning of individuals, enterprises and national economies. Research implications/limitations - Research analysis was based on a selected group of scientific research - Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. However, thus confirmed ground-breaking and momentous nature of the research findings of this group of authors justifies the selective ch oice of the analysed research material. Originality/value/contribution - The paper includes a selection of research achieve- ments in uncertainty and risk of the Nobel Prize Winners in Economic Sciences previ- ously not presented in scientific papers. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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