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Maritime Spatial Plan of the Polish Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone in Scale of 1:200,000
Języki publikacji
Prezentowane opracowanie ma na celu zidentyfikowanie kluczowych problemów oraz sformułowanie wniosków odnośnie do planowania zagospodarowania przestrzennego polskich obszarów morskich, jak również zaproponowanie najważniejszych kierunków dalszych prac planistycznych. Materiałem analitycznym, który stanowi przedmiot badania, są doświadczenia i przyjęte w naszym kraju rozwiązania w zakresie planowania zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich. (fragment tekstu)
Maritime spatial planning is quite a new field that emerged as an idea only after 2000, with the first practical implementation after 2010. In Polish legislation, the first entries regarding the possibilities of this type of planning appeared in 2003. For the next ten years resources of necessary knowledge and human competences had been created. In this way, a considerable amount of knowledge in the field of maritime spatial planning was accumulated in Poland, and our country has become one of the leaders in scientific research in this field. Poland has enriched the MSP methodology and has proposed many new and pioneering solutions. In 2016, the Directors of Maritime Offices began developing a coherent draft of maritime spatial plan for Polish maritime areas in the part relating to the exclusive economic zone, the territorial sea and parts of internal sea waters (including the Gulf of Gdańsk) on a scale of 1: 200,000. The work on the preparation of this draft plan was coordinated on behalf of all offices by the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, and the work was assigned to a Consortium consisting of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk and the Maritime Fisheries Institute - National Research Institute in Gdynia. The Polish plan is included in the top ten plans in the world and is one of the first to have a decision-making and not indicative character. The Polish planning process has resulted in the development of many innovative solutions that are worth wider dissemination. The presented study aims to identify key problems and formulate conclusions regarding spatial planning of Polish maritime areas, as well as to propose the most important directions for further planning work. The analytical material that is the subject of the study are experience and solutions adopted in our country for maritime spatial planning. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni
- Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni
- Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni
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