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2018 | 1 | 605--612
Tytuł artykułu

Theoretical Research on the Stability of the Transport Module Intended for Transport from the Seabed

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Języki publikacji
The interest in sea mining has resulted in the recent years in the creation of many new methods for the exploitation of marine deposits as well as the transport from the seabed to the. For several years, the authors have been trying to develop new concepts of transport from the seabed. In previous publications, the authors presented the concept of an autonomous transport module for transport from the seabed. The research so far has focused on the development of the module's operation principles, determination of the energy source in the transport process and changes in the average density of the transport module. In this publication, the authors focused on the stability problem of the transport module during deployment and ascent. This is a very important issue, because the stability of the module will determine its practical suitability for transport from the seabed. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
  • AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
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