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The present paper overviews academic literature and statistics related to labour migration in part where it concerns Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with special attention paid to Hungary. It aims to discover the main notions and results of European migration along with potential future trends. The paper, inter alia, focuses on the changing characteristics of host countries' labour markets and demographic profiles. It has found that CEE's involvement in intercontinental migration is expected to continue, and is driven by demographic and economic catalysts. Therefore, to address all related issues and map trends, not only an economic perspective is required. The conclusion is that preparation for integration of the newly arrived labour force is a permanent ongoing task for all employers and policymakers, as well as for the entire society. (original abstract)
- Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- Széchenyi István University Hungary
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