z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies
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The perception of regional (traditional) products may vary - some consider them an element of consumption, others see them as a part of culture and of a tourist experience of a certain place. By buying regional products, tourists not only satisfy their needs, but also interact with local culture and support the development of a given community through stimulating demand. Tourists' tendency to consume local products is connected with several spheres: the visitors' motivations, their personality traits, and the sociodemographic features. The following article has two objectives: 1) to identify what proportion of guests visiting seaside tourist destinations is interested in local products; 2) to determine the characteristics of people who are not interested in local products, and to propose a modified market segmentation and communication concept. The results of the survey show that almost 68% of tourists are interested in local products. What is more, nearly 65% of respondents said that this interest also translates into the desire to visit the region. Some of the uninterested respondents (32.3%) are young people, aged 19-35 - in order to reach them with the offer of local products, a modified market segmentation should be made, and a promotion should be planned that will attract their attention. The concept of cross-promotion was proposed here, which means providing information about local products on such occasions as concerts or sporting events. It is important that this could be done both via the Internet and through printed materials available in tourist accommodation facilities. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
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