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Purpose - The aim of the presented article is the assessment of the relationship between the intensity of cooperation in the field of innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises with other business entities and their location in the functional area. Research method - A review of the literature on determinants of cooperation in the field of innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the functional area was carried out. The second part of the article presents the results of empirical research conducted among 150 small and mediumsized companies operating in the Lodz-Warsaw functional area. The survey was carried out based on the interview method, using an anonymous questionnaire, with owners or co-owners of enterprises or their main managers. Results - Proximity of companies and other entities located in the functional area and the resulting cooperation in the field of innovation have a positive effect on financial and non-financial results obtained through cooperation. This indicates a dependence between cooperation and innovativeness of companies which are located in the functional area and have partners there. Originality / value - The analysis of the results of the conducted research confirms the assumption that the intensity of cooperation in the field of innovation of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises with other economic entities depends on their location in functional areas. (original abstract)
- University of Lodz, Poland
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