z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies
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The article aims at evaluating the measures applied in the EU projects supporting e-services development in selected local governments. The article provides characteristics of three partner projects co-funded as part of the 2014-2020 Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, specifically actions implemented under priority axis II Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education (measure 2.18). Then the actions focused on e-administration development and evaluated it in terms of the benefits for the participating local governments, and thus the residents using the e-services. Further the, article presents the training actions completed as part of the projects and which were evaluated by 672 local government administration employees. Participants evaluated the trainings in terms of acquiring competencies, professional career development and the possibility of applying the knowledge in their professional work. Detailed questions also consisted in collecting the opinions on training organisation and the teaching methods and tools applied. Recapitulation stresses the importance and significance of e-administration development for clients using e-services provided by local governments. Finally, there are some conclusions and recommendations presented, referring to the execution of EU projects with the participation of local governments. This article is an introduction to a series of publications aiming at performing research on the effect of EU funds on the development of local governments, and thus the regional competitiveness. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz
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