z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies
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To identify the main differences prevailing in public-private partnership agreements included in individual sectors of the economy. The study is based on a comparison of 135 public-private partnership contracts concluded until the 31st of July 2019 in various economic sectors. The components of PPP proceedings were analysed that is type of entity, voivodship, duration of the contract period, implementation status, legal basis for the selection of the private partner, and gross investment expenditure. The data has been compiled by sector, which allows a broader view of the PPP aspect as a specific form of public procurement implementation. Descriptive statistics, standardization of variables and Spearman's rho correlation coefficient were used to conduct the study. The most diverse voivodships are the Masovian voivodship and the Pomeranian voivodship, in which PPP covers as many as 9 different areas. In all sectors, except for energy efficiency, where the only legal basis was PPP in PZP (Article 4. paragraph 2), there was diversity in the choice of a private partner. As for the type of contracting entity, municipalities are the only contracting entity in the following sectors: education, water and sewage management, housing, revitalization. There are many PPP analyses in the literature on the subject, but they do not refer to the sector analysis including the main components of the contracts included in the PPP.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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