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Potencjał ludzki i innowacje jako czynniki wpływające na konkurencyjność w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej
Języki publikacji
In the context of the emergence of a new knowledge-based economy connected to information development, an important aspect is the focus on human potential. This is due to the fact, that the current trends in world economic development are characterized by a high level of intellectualization. The uneven characterization of human potential in national economies leads to different innovative capacities. Accordingly, the result is heterogeneity of indicators of social and economic development and different levels of competitiveness. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of human potential in the context of transformation of its role and social and economic essence are generalized. It is proved that the special value is given to the intellectual assets of human potential, which are manifested both in certain intellectual traits and are partially capitalized form of their results of activity. The innovative possibilities of human development in Ukraine and the European countries are revealed. It is established that in terms of the competitiveness level of human potential and the state of innovation and technological sphere, Ukraine in comparison with European countries shows low indicators, which confirm all methodical approaches presented in the work. The analysis of the human development index of Ukraine in comparison with the individual countries of Europe reflects similar trends, however, its value differs depending on the living standard of the population, social and economic development, the level of education and science, environmental conditions, etc. The study of the volume of gross domestic product, which is one of the important components of the material resources' estimation, necessary for a decent existence of society and depends on the number of employed and labor productivity, characterizes the level of use of intellectual assets of human potential capable of creating added value. It has been determined that in Ukraine there is no increase in real incomes and living standards of citizens, and accordingly there remains a low domestic solvent demand. It is substantiated that the desire of the country to increase its competitiveness of the national economy should be based on sound state human resources policy and modern innovation policy. (original abstract)
Teoretyczne i metodologiczne podstawy badania potencjału ludzkiego w kontekście transformacji jego roli oraz istoty społecznej i ekonomicznej są uogólnione. Udowodniono, że szczególną wartość przypisuje się zasobom intelektualnym potencjału ludzkiego, które przejawiają się zarówno w pewnych cechach intelektualnych, jak i są częściowo aktywowaną formą ich wyników działalności. Wskazano na innowacyjne możliwości rozwoju człowieka na Ukrainie i w krajach europejskich. Ustalono, że pod względem poziomu konkurencyjności potencjału ludzkiego oraz stanu innowacyjności i sfery technologicznej Ukraina w porównaniu z krajami europejskimi wykazuje niskie wskaźniki, które potwierdzone zostały w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Opis fizyczny
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