z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies
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Abstract: Revitalisation is nowadays one of the most frequently used notions related to the renovation and reclamation of cities as well as restoration of splendour to areas and facilities. It should be remembered, however, that revitalisation is also a process of social renewal (social projects) and revival of the economic space of a city or a region. Well-maintained, original, historic urban space also becomes an inspiration for the development of many socio-cultural initiatives, enriching the offer of the city and making it attractive for both the residents and representatives of the creative class, on whom, to a large extent, the economic growth of the city is dependent. This interdependence of caring for an attractive space and the development of other aspects of city life, including the economic one, also takes form of marketing activities that consist in promoting the cultural legacy of the city and region as a special "product" that distinguishes a particular area. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- The Silesian University of Technology
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