z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies
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The article analyzes new regionalism in the context of regional development in the conditions of European integration and globalization. In the first part of the study, traditional ("old") regionalism was characterized as a cultural and pragmatic context of the region's functioning and development, as well as a starting point for shaping the concept of new regionalism. Next, the discourse of new regionalism was presented as a theoretical concept, as well as a political and socio-economic doctrine, used in practical activities in the field of status changes, functions and conditions of development of modern regions. The last part of the article focuses on the analysis of new regionalism as a development paradigm. It has been shown, that in the condition of European integration and globalization, new regionalism, as a development strategy, creates new opportunities and promising perspectives in overcoming the problems and development inequalities of regions. The analysis and characteristics of the subject matter were extended to include elements of the critique of the new regionalism paradigm. This allowed to give practical meaning to theses and postulates of this concept and to show its weaknesses and limitations related, among others, to the change in the role of nations and the diversity of forms and content of region's interests in the European Union. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Rzeszów
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