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2019 | z. 139 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends - Strategies | 657--675
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Evaluation of the Innovation Effects Implementation for Firms' Competitiveness in the Sector of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland on the Example of the Małopolska Province

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One of the sources of low competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is the relatively small ability to generate innovations. In view of the depletion of such sources of competitiveness in Poland as labour costs or the adaptation of external technologies, the low level of enterprise innovation is becoming a challenge. The system of supporting competitiveness and innovativeness in the SME sector must take into account the problem of insufficient capital for innovative activity - therefore, direct support should remain a key policy tool in the area of supporting innovation. The aim of the article is to assess the effects of innovation implementation by enterprises from the SME sector on the example of the Małopolska province. The authors focused mainly on the innovation activities planned by enterprises and on the sources of their financing, including subsidies for this purpose. The first stage, i.e. the selection of enterprises, was carried out in a targeted manner based on belonging to a separate SME sector. Then, in a random way, 262 enterprises were chosen from the database using the systematic selection. In order to obtain information, a method of in-depth interview using a questionnaire was used. This task was carried out using a categorized set of questions. The interview questionnaire allowed to gather information and numerical data in the following range: planning of the implementation of innovations, use of innovations in the company's development and sources of financing for the implementation of product, process or non-technological innovations. (original abstract)
  • University of Agriculture in Krakow
  • West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
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