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The main subject for consideration concentrates on the social innovation defined as a tool to support the change related to Industry 4.0. It seems obvious that the Fourth Industrial Revolution transforms social life, the Internet of things (IoT), cloud data, big data, autonomous robots, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, etc., which are listed as basic elements of Industry 4.0. It also transforms the economic sphere, especially work organisation and the labour market. Current prognoses of the possible economic and social impact of digital technology often highlight positive aspects, but we also need to predict and study possible negative consequences. In order to design a 'more satisfactory' social environment that takes into account the needs of the present, we need new ways of social functioning. It is assumed that social innovations can be treated as instruments useful for overcoming challenges posed by Industry 4.0. The analysis will be theoretical, hence such notions as social innovations, Industry 4.0 and others will be defined. This discussion will help to understand and solve future social problems. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- The Silesian University of Technology
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