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2019 | 24 (XXIV) | nr 26 (4) | 17--24
Tytuł artykułu

Formation of Resource-Saving Strategy for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex

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Języki publikacji
The article is dedicated to the development and justification of the theoretical and conceptual grounds and methodological toolkit for the resource-saving strategy for agro-industrial complex development under the set priorities of national economy development and the preconditions for establishing favorable entrepreneurial climate in the agrarian sector of national economy. Key trends and development factors are outlined for the process of economic regulation of agriculture intensification, the structure and the dynamics of resource provision indicators in agriculture; the author also outlines the contradictions, directions and factors in increasing the efficiency of agriculture functioning within the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Conceptual grounds are formulated for the integration system mechanisms for agro-industry development, also presented comprehensive long-term development strategy on agricultural resource-saving, which already gave its results on selected enterprises of Poltava region. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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