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The organization's operation in a virtual environment is based on a specific form of communication - social dialogue. The purpose of the article is to describe the phenomenon of social dialogue and its elements: (1) the sender/producer, (2) recipient/customer, and (3) hypertextuality of the environment in which the process takes place. The adopted research method is a qualitative analysis supported by the technique of real-defining definition. Results of this work imply that text in the new media is not only thought of as a creator of meanings, but to extend this understanding to all cultural creations. This means that the fundamental change concerns the perception of the text as a dynamic mechanism of producing meanings, and not the static reception of the record as before. These implications is particularly important for the study of cultural products such as behavioral patterns, for example. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of technical functioning and the human factor in this world can give real profits. Lack of humility towards this medium and disproportionate losses as to the cost of their own ignorance. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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