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Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to identify the structure of consumer segments in the market of motor oil for passenger cars. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach was applied. A questionnaire-based research was carried out. Cluster analysis was selected as the results elaboration method. Findings: It was discovered that, when considering consumer behavioural loyalty, four market segments (clusters) were identified. They are characterized by different values of formal features: four features concerning the consumer and five features concerning the vehicle and its maintenance. Practical implications: A practical implication of the study is revealing the structure of consumer segments in the researched market and describing their characteristics. This knowledge can be used in differentiating marketing activities for each of the identified segments in order to ensure that these activities are more efficient. Originality/value: Authors' contribution and novelty of the paper is the innovative application of one of the multidimensional exploratory techniques, cluster analysis, in the area of research. In management practice, the paper can be useful for marketing managers in the automotive industry, especially motor oil manufacturers. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Technology and Humanities
- University of Technology and Humanities
- University of Technology and Humanities
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