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2020 | z. 143 Contemporary Management | 123--133
Tytuł artykułu

Lean Healthcare in Hospital Emergency Department. Case Study

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Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify waste in the selected health care facility, the types and sources of events that trigger it, and to indicate possibilities to shorten time in which patients wait for help. Material and Methods: The case study was an Emergency Department located in the Province of Silesia. The Issue is many hour queues at the Emergency Departments. Results: Time to receive medical treatment is too long. Not only are high-risk patients being taken care of, but also patients who did not manage to visit their family doctor (General Practitioner - GP). Conclusions: The authoresses formulated a thesis that there are possibilities to shorten the waiting time for medical services at the Emergency Department. (original abstract)
  • Medical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Katowice School of Economics
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