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2019 | 2(2) Selected Aspects of Production Engineering in Management and Materials Engineering | 139--150
Tytuł artykułu

Reduced Vibrations and Noise During Grinding

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It is the duty of every employer to provide its employees with safe, hygienic and ergonomic working conditions. Available information suggests that working conditions in Poland improve each year, thanks to the ever-growing security culture prevailing in Polish enterprises. In spite of everything, there is still a problem of hazards in the workplace, and special attention should be paid to acoustic threats - vibrations and audible noise. Although entities operating on the market offering comprehensive services to reduce the exposure of employees to vibroacoustic hazards, there is still a need to develop new methods to protect the health of employees. Excessive exposure to vibrations and noise is associated with negative health effects that are exposed to, among others, employees involved in the mechanical processing of steel structures. Employees also experience the impact of local and general vibrations. Local vibrations can be relatively easily eliminated using anti-vibration gloves, while the reduction of general vibrations is often an unresolved problem for employees and employers. The publication presents the results of research on the development of the method of damping mechanical vibrations generated during grinding steel constructions. The research included several stages, among others: selection and preparation of the research material, design and construction of the test stand, measurements of vibration acceleration and industrial verification of the obtained results. (original abstract)
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