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2019 | 2(2) Selected Aspects of Production Engineering in Management and Materials Engineering | 184--194
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Environmental Protection in Industry 4.0. Opportunities and Threats in Selected Areas

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In recent years, the importance of production in cyberphysical systems - CPS characteristic of the new industry concept, which is Industry 4.0 - I 4.0, is gaining importance. Industry 4.0 enforces modification of traditional perception of production. The basis for changes in Industry 4.0 has become Internet of Things - IoT, which gives the opportunity to connect and communicate with each other such areas as mobile solutions, cloud computing, sensors, analytics and cyber security. By new technology, areas that previously operated in enterprises as separate systems can be combined and create new opportunities for industrial production (modernization of production methods and reduce employment). Industry 4.0 brings with it a number of new challenges for producers in the field of environmental protection, and related to the inclusion of cybernetic technology in physical production processes as well as distribution. Production starts and ends on the customer. Industry 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization. The United Nations Organization for Industrial Development indicates the following environmental aspects in the perspective of the development of Industry 4.0, such as: climate change and limited access to resources, primarily to clean energy. It is assumed that changes in the production and functioning of economies will result in a decrease in the emission of harmful compounds into the atmosphere and increase the flexibility of activities for environmental protection. The purpose of this work is to present general directions of changes in the field of environmental protection in Industry 4.0. Authors present the following areas of change: energy management and material management. These areas are opportunities for environmental. In the category of threats, the growing costs of environmental protection and household expenses are pointed out. The work is based on a literature study and statistical data. Statistical data are used: integrated technologies, expenditure and costs of environmental protection, recycling of secondary raw materials and energy consumption for the EU and Poland. (original abstract)
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