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2020 | 13 | nr 2 | 53--69
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Construction and Validation of Workplace Identity Scale (WIS)

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Workplace identity (WI) is a multi-dimensional and multi-layered construct that originated from the concept of Identity. It is an attitude towards self that helps individual employees to identify themselves as crucial members in the organisation by shaping their roles in the employment context. Empirical examination of the construct is now gaining traction. A scientifically validated tool is likely to provide further impetus to detailed examinations of the WI concept. The present study is intended to construct and validate a tool to measure WI. Using the data collected from a sample of 248 respondents and the well established methodologies, this study constructs and validates a scale to measure WI - the Workplace Identity Scale (WIS). Having five factors, this scale has exhibited significant validity and reliability. WIS is expected to fill the gap in literature and is likely to stimulate further empirical research about this alluring construct.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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