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2020 | nr 2 (210) | 199--218
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The Genesis of Ethnically Motivated Control in Russia : Keeping Watch on the Poles in the Nineteenth Century

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This paper reviews the genesis of ethnically motivated control in the nineteenth-century Russian Empire. We determined that people of Polish descent were the main target of the earliest examples of the practice of such types of control. "Watching the Poles" differed from classic police surveillance and was closer to more modern intelligence practices: an entire category of population, rather than specific individuals, were being controlled. The practice was not passive either; it involved the Imperial government's active intrusion into the private lives of people of Polish descent. This allows us to view the Empire's attitude toward Poles as an early example of population policy and control over the Poles as one of the tools of executing this policy in practice. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • Agenturnyye zapiski po nablyudeniyu za polyakami v Peterburge i Moskve i o tolkakh i slukhakh o pol'skom vosstanii [Agent reports on monitoring the Poles in St. Petersburg and Moscow concerning conversations and rumors about the Polish uprising]. January 5 - June 30, 1863. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 396.
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  • Doneseniya general-gubernatora Shipova [v III otdeleniye] o nastroyeniyakh naseleniya v Tsarstve Polskom [Reports to the Third Department by Governor General Shipov on public sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. 1938. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, dd. 191-192.
  • Doneseniya voyennogo gubernatora Varshavy gr. Vitta v III otdeleniye o nastroyeniyakh naseleniya v Tsarstve Polskom [Reports to the Third Department by Count Witt, Military Governor of Warsaw, on public sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. 1831-1839. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, dd. 165-190, 193-195.
  • Imennyye spiski studentov urozhentsev Zapadnykh guberniy Imperii i Tsarstva Pol'skogo, sostoyashchikh v Moskovskom, Sankt-Peteburgskom, Derptskom, Kiyevskom, Khar'kovskom i Kazanskom universitetakh. [Lists of names of students born in the Western Guberniyas of the Russian Empire and the Congress Kingdom of Poland and currently studying at Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tartu, Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kazan Universities]. GARF, f. 109, op. 36, d. 187.
  • Kopiya pis'ma Direktora Departamenta Politsii k Odesskomu Gradonachal'niku ot 26 Oktyabrya 1895 g. [Copy of a letter from the Director of the Police Department to the Mayor of Odessa dated October 26, 1895]. GARF, f. 102, op. 93, d. 1415, l. 1.
  • Kopiya s sekretnogo predpisaniya Vitebskogo Grazhdanskogo Gubernatora Vitebskomu Gubernskomu Pochtmeysteru ot 15 Aprelya 1815 goda pod № 25. [Copy of secret order No. 25, issued by the Civil Governor of Vitebsk to the Head Post Master of the Vitebsk Guberniya on April 15, 1815]. GARF, f. 1165, op. 2, d. 45, l. 6.
  • Ob adresnykh biletakh zhitelyam Tsarstva Polskogo [On the address passport issued to residents of the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. GARF, f. 109, op. 152, d. 123.
  • Obzor politicheskogo sostoyaniya guberniy Tsarstva Pol'skogo za 1878 g. [An overview of the political sentiment in the Guberniyas of the Congress Kingdom of Poland in 1878]. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 637a.
  • Obzor politicheskogo sostoyaniya Tsarstva Polskogo s 16 po 23 aprelya 1864 g. [An overview of the political sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, April 16-23, 1864]. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 578.
  • Obzor politicheskogo sostoyaniya Tsarstva Polskogo s 25 aprelya po 2 maya 1863 g. [An overview of the political sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, from April 25 to May 2, 1863]. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 416.
  • Obzor politicheskogo sostoyaniya Tsarstva Polskogo s 3 po 31 yanvarya 1862 g. [An overview of the political sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, January 3-31, 1862]. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 347.
  • Obzory politicheskogo sostoyaniya Tsarstva Polskogo s 1 noyabrya po 13 dekabrya 1862 g. [Overviews of the political sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, from November 1 to December 13, 1862]. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, d. 352.
  • Obzory politicheskogo sostoyaniya Tsarstva Polskogo [Overviews of the political sentiment in the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. 1861-1862. GARF, f. 109, op. 2a, dd. 346-352.
  • Otnosheniye A.Kh. Benkendorfa k grafu I.I. Dibich-Zabalkanskomu. [Communication from Alexander von Benckendorff to Hans Karl von Diebitsch]. 1831. GARF, f. 109, op. 8, d. 10. ch.1, l.1.
  • Perepiska po nablyudeniyu za polyakami, sluzhashchimi na zheleznykh dorogakh, vkhodyashchikh v rayon Moskovskogo zhandarmskogo politseyskogo upravleniya zheleznykh dorog [Surveillance correspondence regarding the Poles working on railway lines within the jurisdiction of the Moscow gendarmerie railway office]. GARF, f. 59, op. 1, d. 48.
  • Pis'mo A.Kh. Benkendorfu [Letter to Alexander von Benckendorff]. May 15, 1831. GARF, f. 109, op. 8, d.10 ch. 1, l. 16.
  • Pis'mo V.A. Dolgorukova upravlyayushchemu ministerstvom narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 17 iyunya 1861 goda [Letter from V.A. Dolgorukov to the Administrator of the Ministry of National Education. June 17, 1861]. GARF, f. 109, op. 36, d. 187, l. 12.
  • Pis'mo V.V. Levashova A.Kh. Benkendorfu [Letter from V.V. Levashov to Alexander von Benckendorff]. February 7, 1831. GARF, f. 109, op. 8, d. 10 ch.1, l. 12.
  • Politicheskiy obzor po guberniyam Tsarstva Polskogo [Political overview of the provinces of the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. 1898-1914. GARF, f. 265, op. 1, dd. 1114-1123, 1135-1136, 1139-1146, 1149, 1152, 1166-1167, 1170-1171, 1177, 1193, 1222, 1234-1235, 1253-1254, 1264,1282-1283.
  • Politicheskiye obzory guberniy Privislinskogo kraya [Political overviews of the provinces of the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. 1866-1914. GARF, f. 110, op. 24, dd. 314, 346, 407, 479, 623-632, 711, 870-874, 1060-1069, 1232-1240, 1374-1383, 1549-1556, 1714-1722, 1874-1880, 2049-2056, 2184-2190, 2349-2354, 2490-2497, 2622-2629, 2758-2766, 2897-2905, 3076-3082, 3288-3290, 3556, 4135.
  • Politicheskiye obzory tsarstva Polskogo [Political overviews of the Congress Kingdom of Poland]. Manuscripts. 1861-1868. GARF, f. 978, op. 1, dd. 28-34.
  • Predpisaniye A.Kh. Benkendorfa o sostavlenii spiskov chinovnikov-polyakov [Order by Alexander von Benckendorff to compile a list of civil servants of Polish origin]. April 17, 1831. GARF, f. 109, op. 6., d. 503 ch. 1, l.1.
  • Predpisaniye A.Ye. Timasheva o predostavlenii svedeniy o chisle polyakov, prozhivayushchikh v Permskoy, Kazanskoy i Vyatskoy guberniyakh [Order by A.Ye. Timashev to provide information on the number of Poles residing in the Perm, Kazan, and Vyatka Guberniyas]. June 22, 1863. GARF, f. 39, op. 1., d. 21, l. 16.
  • Raport Vyatskogo zhandarmskogo shtab-Ofitsera Polkovnika Adamovicha voyennomu general-gubernatoru Kazanskomu, Permskomu i Vyatskomu A.Ye. Timashevu [A report by Colonel Adamovich, staff officer of the Vyatka Gendarmerie, to A.Ye. Timashev, military governor general of Kazan, Perm, and Vyatka]. July 15, 1863. GARF, f. 39, op. 1, d. 21, ll. 21-40.
  • Rasporyazheniye nachal'nika Suvaleskogo gubernskogo zhandarmskogo upravleniya ot 12 Dekabrya 1887 goda [Order by the head of the Suwałki Guberniya gendarmerie main office dated December 12, 1887]. GARF, f. 110, op. 24, d. 2215.
  • Reskripty /1 podl. 2 otpuska/ Yekateriny II moskovskomu glavnokomanduyushchemu Petru Dmitriyevichu Yeropkinu o nablyudenii za polyakami i frantsuzami, zhivushchimi v Moskve 1789 g. [Mandates /1 original, 2 issues/ by Catherine II to Petr Dmitriyevich Yeropkin, Moscow commander-in-chief, to monitor the Poles and French residing in Moscow, 1789]. RGADA, f. 168, op. 1, d. 169.
  • Spiski lits pol'skogo proiskhozhdeniya, prozhivayushchikh v Ostzeyskikh guberniyakh. [List of persons of Polish origin residing in the Ostsee Guberniyas]. 1866. GARF, f. 109, op. 41, d. 68.
  • Spiski polyakov, prozhivayushchikh v Sankt-Peterburge [Lists of Poles residing in St. Petersburg]. 1831. GARF, f. 109, op. 6, d. 503 ch. 3., ll. 178-192.
  • Spisok s kopii otnosheniya General-Fel'dmarshala Grafa Barklay de Toli k g. Litovskomu voyennomu Gubernatoru iz Varshavy ot 22 marta 1815 goda za № 942-m [Handwritten duplicate of the copy of communication No. 942 from field marshal Prince Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly to the Military Governor of Lithuania, sent from Warsaw on March 22, 1815]. GARF, f. 1165, op. 2, d. 45, l. 1b.
  • Tsirkulyar Departamenta politsii po 4 Deloproizvodstvu ot 17 noyabrya 1911 goda № 63021 [Memorandum No. 63021, issued by the Department of Police, Record Management Section 4, on November 17, 1911]. GARF, f. 102, op. 123, d. 108 ch. 33, l.10.
  • Ukaz Aleksandra I ministru politsii [Decree issued by Alexander I to the Minister of Police]. March 21, 1812. GARF, f. 1165, op. 1, d. 150, l. 1.
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