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2020 | nr 41 | 69--86
Tytuł artykułu

Integrated Development Planning and Local Spatial Policy Tools

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Aim/purpose - The purpose of the paper is to determine the extent to which the elements of integrated development planning are implemented and may be implemented into current local spatial policy tools. Design/methodology/approach - To address the purpose of the study, key spatial policy acts were selected for verification on a local scale, i.e. local spatial development plans. The focus was on the latest local plans proceeding on the premise that the debate on the wider application of integrated development planning on a local scale is definitely more extensive under the legislative amendments of this period. Therefore, there have been selected all the local plans adopted in the West Pomeranian Province since 1 January till 30 June 2019. There are 49 local spatial development plans adopted in various communes. Five plans have been adopted for Szczecin, one for Koszalin, and nine for communes of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area. The paper focuses on several issues contained in the plans adopted that can be associated with integrated development planning. Findings - While the local plans actually mostly contain these (obligatory) elements, they can be adopted in a variety of ways. In this context, attention should be paid to: first, the protection of environmental, natural and cultural values (i.e. determining whether the principles contained in the plan are merely a repetition/reference to other provisions of broader scope, and if so, which ones); second, to understanding the way of shaping public spaces, especially in the context of their possible impact on the social sphere. Furthermore, additional provisions contained in local plans should remain in the focus as they may reduce the potential conflict between existing land use plans. Research implications/limitations - This study examines all the latest local spatial development plans from the West Pomeranian Province. This research extends the perspective of analysing the problem of integrated development planning and introduces the possibility of a new assessment of local spatial policy. Nevertheless, it should be recognised that the analysed provisions of the plans are also representative for other provinces. Further research can be continued for other provinces. Originality/value/contribution - The research literature clearly emphasises that elements of integrated development planning have already been included at the current stage of local spatial planning. However, neither are they precisely indicated, nor classified or analysed. The paper carries out these tasks, which is also important from the perspective of future application. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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