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2020 | 25 (XXV) | nr 27 (3) | 33--49
Tytuł artykułu

Phenomenon of "Communicative Act": a Psycholinguistics Perspective

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The article presents the theoretical study of the phenomenon "communicative act" from the point of view of psycholinguistics. The article describes different approaches to the phenomenon "communicative act" and provides a representative and analysis of the main structural components. The article proves the text to be the basic unit of communication, determines the universal characteristics of the text as the basic manifestation of the communicative act (there are 11). The purpose of the article is to present the communicative act theoretically in an optimally wide range of problems that are relevant to modern science in general, and psycholinguistics in particular, and also to represent the theoretical analysis of the universal characteristics of the text as a basic manifestation of the communicative act. In addition, the article presents the data from a psycholinguistics proper perspective and also incorporates perspectives from psychology, philosophy, and philology that are necessary from the point of view of the essence of the problem. It is determined that a speaking person acts as a subject of communication, appearing at each moment of his/her communication simultaneously in three parts, as a set of "personality" phenomena - as a personality 1) language, 2) speech, and 3) communicative. It is shown that communication can be structuralized. The basic unit of communication is a communicative act, understood as a functionally integral piece of communication, the core of which is a text (a monologue, a dialogue or a polylogue). In each communicative act, four components are distinguished and, therefore, four aspects 1) the extra-linguistic aspect; 2) the semantic aspect; 3) the cognitive aspect; 4) the proper linguistic aspect. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Hryhorii Skovoroda University, Ukraine
  • Hryhorii Skovoroda University, Ukraine
  • Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
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