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Russia: Strategic Dilemmas
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W rozważaniach poświęconych strategicznym dylematom współczesnej Rosji ważne miejsce zajmuje sprawa tożsamości. Wiąże się ona nierozerwalnie z jednej strony z przywracaniem godności i uznania, a z drugiej - z pamięcią historyczną, w której dominują nostalgia i chęć powrotu do imperialnej przeszłości, a także uzurpacja odgrywania szczególnej roli w skali globalnej. Jest to połączenie religijnego pojmowania misji, jaką Stwórca powierzył Rosji, z legitymizacją tej roli i uprawnieniami, które Rosja nabyła w wyniku największego zwycięstwa przypieczętowanego 75 lat temu uzgodnieniami Wielkiej Trójki w Teheranie (1943) i w szczególności decyzjami podjętymi w Jałcie (luty 1945) oraz - po bezwarunkowej kapitulacji Niemiec - w Poczdamie (lipiec-sierpień 1945). Do tej politycznej legitymacji, będącej podstawą podziału Europy i uznania prawa Rosji do dominacji nad Europą Środkową i Wschodnią, odwołuje się Putin w swojej strategii podnoszenia Rosji z kolan, przywracania jej godności i międzynarodowego uznania. Obejmuje ono prawo globalnych mocarstw do ustanowienia nowego porządku w świecie. (fragment tekstu)
This essay attempts to explain the reasons and motives for a major revision of Russian politics of memory understood as the 'battle for historical memory'. President Vladimir Putin presented the official position of Russia between late 2019 and early 2020. His main 'new histori cal contribution' was that it was not the Third Reich in co-operation with the USSR (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 23 September 1939 and the attached secret protocols, whose Russian originals were published in June 2019), but Józef Beck's politics directed against the USSR following the 1934 Declaration with Nazi Germany led to the outbreak of World War II. This view contradicts elementary historical truth and would not deserve attention if it was not for the fact that these theses are officially presented by the leader of the Russian Federation. In their assessments of recent history, Polish and Russian scholars and those from many other countries share the view that nothing justifies the appeasement policy pursued by Western powers. This policy includes the Munich Agreement (29-30 September 1938) and the incorporation of Zaolzie district by Poland (2 October 1938). However, the anti-Polish propaganda campaign launched 80 years after the events preceding World War II did not result from finding new archival sources or revealing previously unknown facts. The reasons for historical revisionism undertaken at the highest level of the Russian state are different. Namely, it searches for answers to the old questions: Who are we? Where are we heading? What is the essence of the contemporary political identity of Russia, which is the successor to both the Romanov dynasty and Bolshevik Russia, which was consolidated by the ideology of Marxism-Leninism? The Great Victory of the Soviet Union over the Nazi Third Reich is to be the cornerstone and foundation of the new Russian identity as well as the binder of the self-identification and consolidation of nation. At the same time, this victory in Putin's new political philosophy is to give Russia the legitimacy to take its place, once and for all, among the powers that decide the fate of the world. According to this philosophy, they have the natural right to shape a new international order. The reference to great thinkers, such as Nikolai Bierdiajew, Vladimir Soloviev and, in particular, Ivan Iljin, the theoretician of 'religious fascism', is to link political and military power with the new understanding of the Russian idea. According to Timothy Snyder, in implementing this idea, Iljin became a guide on the ever darker path to unfreedom. The author of the essay refers to the thoughts of Sergey Karaganov, according to whom it is necessary to eliminate the corrupt elites interested in maintaining the status quo to construct modern Russia. They need 'an image of the enemy'. The essence of the new strategy is the definition of the 'enemy' whose perception is a factor in consolidating the society around the leader. Both historical and today's Poland have been 'promoted' to the rank of those external 'enemies' whose image is to facilitate the formation of a new Russian identity. (original abstract)
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