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2020 | nr 10(2) | 16--25
Tytuł artykułu

The Initiative of Southern Baltic Sea Regional Parliaments Cooperation

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Języki publikacji
The research concerning cross-border cooperation initiative between regions presents international relations that are often formed upwards and have their roots in bilateral relations of the regions. A research hypothesis was positively verified on the basis of the conducted research, according to which the examined subject is a form of cross-border cooperation at the level of regional parliaments: German federal states, Kaliningrad District of the Russian Federation and selected Polish voivodships. Coherently with the purpose of the study, an institutional and legal analysis, analysis of source materials and a questionnaire were conducted. The paper contains an investigation of the genesis, objectives and the scope of substantive works concerning the cross-border cooperation formula within the regional parliaments of the South Baltic Region. A special nature of work within the Forum was also presented; the most important substantive issues introduced by the partners in resolutions adopted by acclamation are discussed, as well as the results of own research are presented. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
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  • Rezolucja III Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 3rd Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 18-20 September 2005, Binz, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja IV Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 4th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 21-23 May 2006, Kilonia, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja IX Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 9th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 3-5 July 2011, Gdańsk, Poland, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja V Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 5th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 20-22 May 2007, Gdynia, Poland, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja VI Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 6th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 18-20 May 2008, Kołobrzeg, Poland The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja VII Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 7th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 5-7 July 2009, Schwerin, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja VIII Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 8th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 21-23 May 2010, Elbląg, Poland The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja X Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 10th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 11-13 March 2012, Kilonia, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XI Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 11th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 2-4 June 2013, Schwerin, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XII Forum Parlamentów Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 12th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 19-22 May 2014, Kaliningrad, Russia, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XIII Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 13th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 19-21 April 2015, Hamburg, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XIV Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 14th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 12-14 June 2016, Kilonia, Germany, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XV Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 15th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum ), 28-30 May 2017, Szczecin, Poland, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XVI Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 16th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 13-15 May 2018, Siła k/Olsztyna, Poland, The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
  • Rezolucja XVII Forum Parlamentów Regionalnych Południowego Bałtyku (Eng. Resolution of the 17th Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum), 23-25 June 2019, Schwerin, Germany The manuscript is available at the Chancellery of the Warmian-Masurian Regional Assembly in Olsztyn.
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  • The Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association, http://www. (accessed 17 March 2019).
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  • Union of the Baltic Cities, (accessed 17 March 2019).
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