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2020 | z. 146 Competitiveness and Development of Regions in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. State - Trends -Strategies | 233--251
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Barriers to Using of Quintuple Helix Model to Create Innovations In Polish Regions

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Purpose: The main purpose of the paper is to present and discuss the assumptions of the model and indicate whether the regional innovativeness can be improved with the help of multi-branch co-operation oriented so as to form new solutions to contemporary development problems. An additional purpose of the paper is to indicate barriers that hinder the application of this form of co-operation in Polish regions. Design/methodology/approach: The paper has theoretical and reviewing nature. It was drawn up based on an analysis of the literature on the topic and the results of foreign authors' research along with the information obtained from practicians (management board members of the cluster active in the West Pomeranian region). Findings: Quintuple Helix model is a concept which explains the principles and effects of co-operation for the improvement of regional innovativeness and development in the conditions of the natural environment challenges and sustainable development. This co-operation is built between regional partners of innovative processes. The experience of highly developed countries shows that such organized cooperation is effective. In Poland, this concept is very rarely used, and its implementation encounters significant barriers. Practical implications: The presented considerations are important for entities of regional innovative networks. They will gain knowledge of the Quintuple Helix concept in the light of the challenges of the modern world (economic, ecological, demographic, cultural and others). In addition, they learn the essence and scope of barriers to introducing effective innovative cooperation. This will allow them to reduce barriers. In the future, new solutions to problems of the development of society and economy will appear in Polish regions faster. Originality/value: The added value of the article is the presentation of the Quintuple Helix model as a tool to solve sustainable development problems in the region. This concept is not widely known in Poland, nor used in the mesoscale. This is due to the lack of interdisciplinary research on this issue and very strong barriers to such cooperation. They are found in all elements of this model. Its practical implementation requires their removal. In the article, the author diagnosed and described them. (original abstract)
  • West Pomeranian University of Technology
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