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2021 | z. 151 Contemporary Management | 271--285
Tytuł artykułu

Green Logistics Development Plans of Hungarian Companies

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Purpose: When this abstract is completed, the economic situation caused by the pandemic will face serious problems. We have to do something. In our private and life and in our work also. The aim of our present study is to explore how environmental awareness is applied and in how it appears in companies, how it relates to the green supply chain, and what advantages and disadvantages companies could have they discovered. Design/methodology/approach: Our research is based on a primary research, which was conducted with a structured questionnaire among Hungarian companies. Our main objectives were to see what is going on with the green logistics plans before the pandemic season what could be achieved in the near future. Findings: Visible aspiration on the part of companies, we came across a number of good ideas, but unfortunately money is still a key motivation in the development plans of companies. Research limitations/implications: For future research, we will consider the current study as a basis, and due to the current viral situation, it will most likely show a less favorable result than at present, especially in the field of innovation. Practical implications: The article represents well the need for coordinated and collaborative developments more than ever, especially in the field of supply chain and green logistics. Social implications: A layer has already emerged in society where individuals and companies take the irreversible problems of environmental pollution seriously. We hope that after the publication of our article, more people will think that more needs to be done for our environment at both the individual and corporate levels before it is too late. Originality/value: The main originality of the study based on the fact that it is not enough to ask companies for their opinions on their own developments, it is also worth examining how much progress each development actually represents compared to the developments of others.(original abstract)
  • Budapest Business School, Budapest
  • Szent István University, Gödöllő
  • Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
  • Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
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