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2021 | nr 11(1) | 44--55
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Educational Offer of Pomeranian Agritourist Farms Associated in the National Network of Educational Farms

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The aim of the study is to analyse the educational offer of Pomeranian voivodeship agritourism farms which joined the National Network of Educational Farms. The analysis covers the years 2011-2020. The survey involved 25 licensed entities (100%). Their wide offers include educational programmes aiming to teach about farmer's life and work, the process of food production and acquisition, and the cultural heritage of the Polish rural areas and to promote the right attitudes towards nature and landscape protection. Educational activities are usually organised in the form of one-day group and workshop activities addressed to school children and adolescents. Thanks to that, the school education process is more varied and enriched with school curricula directed at hands-on activities, workshops in different school subjects, alternative venues of education and knowledge about rural culture. Farmers usually play the role of guides or sometimes they hire teachers to do the job. More and more often, people with disabilities and students of Third Age Universities use their services. The farms' offers are very flexible and their scope and prices are adjusted to the demands, age and number of participants. The educational programmes differ depending on the season of the year. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Poland
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