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2007 | nr 1(151) | 40--60
Tytuł artykułu

Estymacja pośrednia w demografii a Narodowy Spis Powszechny 2011 w Polsce

Warianty tytułu
Indirect Estimation in Demography and the Population Census 2011 in Poland
Języki publikacji
The paper presents a brief overview of applications of indirect estimation techniques in demography and possibilities of their extension. A special emphasis is placed on new challenges established on the ground of heretofore experiences. When conducting a demographic analysis, it is natural to refer to the development of corresponding demographic processes in other populations, that were characterised by a similar demographic situation in the past. It is also common to analyse data from different available sources, such as population censuses, vital statistics, statistical registration or specific surveys. The core of indirect estimation is data assessment, comparison of applied survey methodology, analysis of definitions used in different surveys, search for differences and their causes, and taking all of the above into account, implementing such estimation techniques that cut down the gap between available statistical data and the necessary information. Currently, demographers propose to use indirect estimation not only to estimate population counts for small areas in between-census periods. The novelty is the new population census methodology based on population registers and indirect estimation based on sample survey data. Typically, demographic methods use mainly administrative and census data, while the current proposition involves also sample survey data in conjunction with other auxiliary population information.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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