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2021 | 14 | nr 2 | 331--349
Tytuł artykułu

Job Satisfaction in Hungary - Comparative Study

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Since the turn of the millennium, worker's motivation and positive workforce environment are the contributing factors to the development of a global economy. From the perspective of the labor force, employee's job satisfaction, personal well-being and life satisfaction can change the labor market. Studies report that there were significant social and economic changes occurring in European countries, including Hungary. These social and economic changes significantly shaped individual and group value choice and other aspects of a quality life. This study presents a comparative analysis of job satisfaction and work-related attitudes between Hungary and other international nations. While the study was in progress, the COVID-19 epidemic reached Hungary. As a result of COVID-19, new forms of employment developed. The most significant change was the working from home phenomenon. This new system of working significantly transformed the domestic and EU employment opportunities. Also, employee's satisfaction was affected by their working conditions. The study's data analysis aims to identify the underlying emerging trends which will be explored in a future study. According to the results of this research study, the author found that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and a worker's attitude among Hungarian employees. The study results confirm the legitimacy of new theories on human capital. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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