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2021 | 9 | nr 2 | 47--72
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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy and Sustainable e-Commerce

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This study aims to examine the impact of COVID-19 and sustainable ecommerce in Hungary and Kenya. COVID-19 has devastated the global economy, resulting in financial and job losses. Routine changes in spending have moved the focus from non-essential to essential items, due to the impact of COVID-19, the associated economic meltdown, and the deterioration of people's physical and mental health. However, e-commerce can be a better option to stop the spread of COVID-19 due to its real benefits and usefulness in solving the challenges faced. The methodology used in this paper is the collection of primary data from an online survey questionnaire, and secondary data from several databases,e.g.,the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Johns Hopkins Centre websites. The results show the negative impact of COVID- 19 on society and the economy, as well as the positive and significant effects ofthe growth of e-commerce during COVID-19, where most of the goods being purchased are medical supplies: masks, medicines, and food. This has been made possibleby the rise of e-commerce platforms as a link in sustainable e-commerce after the significant disruption to the worldwide supply chain due to total lockdown. E-commerce has shown growth during the COVID-19 pandemic period as a sustainable platform. In conclusion, this study proposes policies that support e-commerce in developing countries during and after COVID-19. Furthermore, theoretical, and managerial implications are proposed in the study. It is high time to warn businesses to adopt information and communications technology (ICT) to flourish and thrive during times of financial and economic hardship, such as the use of e-commerce with the right policies enacted to support sustainable e-commerce. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Debrecen, Hungary
  • Széchenyi István University Hungary
  • University of Debrecen, Hungary; University of Johannesburg, South Africa
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