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2021 | 35 | nr 2 Uwarunkowania przemian struktur społeczno-gospodarczych w układach przestrzennych - wybrane przykłady = Conditions for Transformations of Socio-Economic Structures in Spatial Systems - Selected Examples | 100--118
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Changes in the Spatial Patterns of Industrial Innovativeness in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship (Poland) in 2009-2019

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This article aims to identify changes in the industry's patterns in innovativeness and show its spatial diversity based on the example of the largest urban centres in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. An assessment of the level of concentration of industrial activity was used as the basis for identifying these processes. The range of issues used for analysis depended on data availability, especially at the local level. The analysis of industrial activities' location was carried out based on entities registered in Section C (Manufacturing) of the Polish Classification of Economic Activities. The spatial patterns of industrial innovativeness were presented using the classification of manufacturing according to R&D levels. The research results indicate significant changes between 2009 and 2019 in the spatial patterns for both the voivodeship and its urban areas regarding the industry's concentration and specialisation. At the same time, this was accompanied by a decrease in industrial production. Dolnośląskie Voivodeship shows a significant spatial diversification in such concentration and specialisation. The patterns identified indicate the growing role of the area surrounding Wrocław as one of intensive infiltration of industrial activities from the main centre. These processes are also found in smaller urban centres of the voivodeship; however, this infiltration is selective.(original abstract)
  • University of Wrocław
  • University of Wrocław
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