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The study used descriptive statistics to demonstrate the correlations between narrative, a sense of security, and self-assessment of convicts. This paper draws attention to deep connections and the interconnectedness of these three elements. A sense of security turns out to be one of the most crucial reasons for being imprisoned for domestic violence. Un-fortunately, the prison environment does not weaken but strengthens a sense of security. Moreover, it does not enable prisoners to express their personality and makes them take a specific game imposed by the prison environment. This is reflected in the auto narration of emotional inaccessibility. Emotional detachment leads to aggression as well as socially unacceptable sexual acts. In consequence violence offenders show an alarmingly lasting impact of such behavior which, after serving a prison sentence, reveals itself as an inability to build relationships, especially sexual ones. Furthermore, these dysfunctions emerge not only on the level of psyche but also on the physiological level which makes the therapy even more difficult and complicated. The study conducted for the purpose of this paper blatantly confirms complex correlations between control, self-control and the level of emotions. This paper also draws attention to the unreliability of the Polish penitentiary system which, as one of the forms of penalization, unjustifiably, uses the separateness of the prisoner from meeting their psychological, emotional and physiological needs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- State University of Applied Sciences in Konin
- University of Technology Opole
- State University of Applied Sciences in Konin
- Private Primary School in Borów
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