Tytuł artykułu
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Extraversion and Emotional Intelligence in the Context of Selected Aspects of Internet Communication
Języki publikacji
Celem badania było określenie, jakie determinanty wpływają na poziom ekspresji emocjonalnej (PEE) przejawiany w rozmowie, jeśli toczy się ona za pośrednictwem komunikatora internetowego. W tym celu, opierając się na założeniach teoretycznych, postawiliśmy hipotezę badawczą zakładającą, że takie cechy osobowości jak ekstrawersja oraz inteligencja emocjonalna będą miały wpływ na PEE. Z drugiej strony PEE będzie według nas wyznaczał preferowany sposób komunikowania się (bezpośredni vs zapośredniczony).(fragment tekstu)
Interpersonal communication is a dynamic, complex process, and is conditioned by many factors, among which one of the most important roles is played by the personality of interaction partners. The article presents results of research on the influence of extraversion and emotional intelligence on selected aspects of communication when the process is mediated by the Internet. The study involved young adults (N = 51) aged 21-27 (M = 24.27; SD = 1.65; Md = 24), mostly women (Nk = 26; K/M = 1.08), who responded to the invitation to the study published on Facebook. The survey was conducted in the period from December 2019 to February 2020, through Messenger and GoogleForms to collect the results in personality questionnaires. On the basis of the correlation coefficients obtained, it can be assumed that the level of extraversion (r = .397, p = .002; r = 414, p < .001 and the level of emotional intelligence (r = .331, p = .009; r = .411, p < .001) may be responsible for the expression of emotions and productivity of the speech in an intermediary conversation. Due to the results of the conducted research, we put forward a thesis that the mediation of contact with another person thanks to the currently developed systems of smileys, does not lead to impoverishment of the emotional layer of the message. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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