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The last decades have brought significant changes in the demographic structure of the world's population, which affects many aspects of modern life. Especially developed countries are characterized by a high level of aging of the population, caused on the one hand by the persistently low fertility rate and on the other by the increase in life expectancy. Among the factors affecting the growing life expectancy, the most frequently men-tioned are [Costa, 2005, p. 23]: a high level of medical care, increasing the effectiveness of preventing infectious diseases, preventive healthcare, healthy eating, improving the material situation and increasing the level of education. They allowed to reach advanced age while maintaining good health.(...)The purpose of this work is to present the phenomenon of longevity and its impact on the structure of society. An analysis of the effectiveness of the Lee-Carter model was carried out. The chapter reviews the tools and methods of longevity risk transfer. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
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