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2021 | nr 3 | 43--52
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Transactional and transformational leadership in the context of perceived organizational justice and its dimensions. Identification of the interdependencies

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The authors of this article analyzed the phenomenon of the interdependence between transactional/transformational leadership style and perceived organizational justice (and its dimensions). In the first part of the article, the necessity to conduct detailed research on aforementioned subject is presented. Next, a literature review was carried out in order to examine the possibly toothcombing links between organizational justice and transactional/transformational leadership (taking into consideration the multidimensionality of those subjects). Leadership style and perceived organizational justice are linked to many organizational aspects such as organizational citizenship behaviors, work commitment, job satisfaction, knowledge-sharing, willingness to share knowledge, and burnout. The authors of this publication attempted to present research scope as having growth potential for future studies.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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