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2021 | 9 | nr 2 | 72--79
Tytuł artykułu

The disappearance of inland dunes landscape - a case study from southern Poland

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The paper presents changes in the landscape of inland dunes in one of the basins in the eastern part of Silesian Upland. Based on the analysis of archival maps and historical sources, the former dune landscape of Dąbrowa Basin was reconstructed. The current state of its preservation was determined based on contemporary cartographic materials and field research. It was established that the dunes occur on the floodplain, under-slope flattening, and cuesta escarpment (Ząbkowice Hummock)). The source of aeolian sands was fluvioglacial and alluvial deposits, which, as a result of aeolian transport, were moved to higher and higher morphological levels and stabilized on a substrate of different lithology and age. The impermeability of the bedrock - tills, clays, mudstones, siltstones had a significant influence on the dune landscape. It resulted in the presence of wetlands and peat bogs in the vicinity of most dunes. Consequently, the landscape of the valley was distinguished by a lot of contrast in terms of vegetation - dry pine forests or grassy areas on the dunes and moisture-loving vegetation in their surroundings. However, this landscape was under strong human pressure. Most of the dunes (3/4) have been destroyed in the last hundred years due to sand mining and industrial and residential construction. One of the largest dune fields in the Przemsza River basin and most floodplain and under-slope flattening dunes were utterly destroyed. In addition, an interesting dune at Triassic clays was almost fully exploited, and a rare case on the Silesian Upland where a dune entered the Triassic limestones was partially covered with concrete. There are only 25 dunes in the study area - they deserve protection both as the last fragments of the inland dunes landscape in this part of the Silesian Upland and for historical and natural reasons(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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