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2021 | nr 1 | 7--24
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Mario Nuti (1937-2020)

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Mario Nuti (1937-2020)
Języki publikacji
Wspomnienie to jest poświęcone wybitnemu ekonomiście włoskiego pochodzenia Domenico Mario Nutiemu, który znaczną część dorosłego życia spędził w Cambridge, ale którego ukochanym punktem odniesienia i przedmiotem badań naukowych była Polska. Zaczynał od prowadzonych pod kierunkiem Michała Kaleckiego studiów nad polską metodyką rachunku efektywności inwestycji, wyjątkową w ówczesnym bloku radzieckim. Kiedy z Warszawy przeniósł się do King's College University of Cambridge, kontynuował studia nad rachunkiem efektywności, pilnie śledził polskie i inne reformy gospodarcze, ale miał zarazem coraz większy wkład w krytykę współczesnej ekonomii głównego nurtu - co jest przedmiotem części drugiej tego szkicu. W części trzeciej omawiam dorobek Nutiego w latach pracy w Europejskim Instytucie Uniwersyteckim oraz w DG II Komisji Europejskiej. Dla polskiego czytelnika szczególnie interesująca może być część czwarta, przedstawiająca jego bezpośredni i intelektualny udział w polskich reformach gospodarczych, zwłaszcza okres jego bardzo bliskiej współpracy z dwukrotnym wicepremierem i ministrem finansów Grzegorzem W. Kołodko. Mario Nuti uważnie studiował różne typy socjalizmu - był bezkompromisowym krytykiem jego bolszewickiego wydania. Nigdy nie tracił przekonania, że socjalizm demokratyczny ma sens i może być realizowany w gospodarczej i politycznej praktyce. W obliczu stale nowych wyzwań gospodarczo-społecznych i problemów technicznych szukał socjalistycznych odpowiedzi prowadzących do systemu, który byłby bardziej sprawiedliwy i zapewniał równość szans. Przez całe życie był ideowym i żarliwym socjalistą. Mógłby być ikoną dla współczesnych socjaldemokratów, gdyby tacy jeszcze się gdzieś zabłąkali. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Domenico Mario Nuti, known as Mario Nuti, was an eminent Italian economist who most of his professional life spent in Cambridge, but for whom Poland has always been his beloved country and the top subject of research. His first field of study in Warsaw, under supervision of Michał Kalecki, was the Polish methodology of examining economic efficiency of investment projects which was rather unique among the Soviet Bloc countries. After Nuti moved to King's College of Cambridge University he continued research on that methodology, at the same time tightly observing economic reforms in Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. He published a lot in the latter field of research when at the University of Birmingham he directed the Centre for Russian and East European Studies. He also published then a number of important papers, critical of mainstream economics. Nuti's output in those fields of investigation is discussed in section two of this essay. Section three deals with his work at the European University Institute in Florence and as an economic adviser on Central and Eastern Europe in the Department for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG II) of the European Commission. The Polish reader may find of special interest the account of Nuti's direct involvement and his intellectual contribution to devising and implementing a new course in Poland's transformation in the years of his close cooperation with Grzegorz Kołodko, then the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Nuti was an uncompromising critic of a Bolshevik mode of socialism. He examined at length various types of socialism, never abandoning hope that democratic socialism is possible and viable in its economic and political dimensions. In the face of ever new economic and social challenges he sought socialist solutions to those challenges that would make the political system just and of equal opportunities. In all his life Nuti was a passionate and true socialist. He could have been an ideological icon for Polish contemporary social democrats, should there still be any. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • Nuti M. (1970c), Capitalism, socialism and steadygrowth, "Economic Journal" 80, s. 32-57.
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  • Nuti M., Alec N. (red.) (1972,1974, 1977), Socialist Economics, London: Penguin Readings in Economics.
  • Nuti M. (1973), On the Truncation of Production Flows, "Kyklos" 26(3), s. 485-496.
  • Nuti M., (1974a) (red. i przedm.) (w:) V.K. Dimitriev, Economic Essays on Value, Competition and Utility, London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nuti M. (1974b), On the Rates of Return on Investment, "Kyklos" 27(2), s. 345-369.
  • Nuti M. (1975), The Wage-Interest Frontier, "Zeitschrift fur Nationalekonomie" 35(1-2), s. 177-186.
  • Nuti M. (1977a), Price and Composition Effects and the Pseudo-Production Function, "Revue d'Economie Politique" 2 (March-April), s. 232-243.
  • Nuti M. (1977b), The Transformation ofLabour Values into Production Prices and the Marxian Theory of Exploitation (w:) J. Schwartz (red.) The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism, Santa Monica, California: Goodyear.
  • Nuti M. (1977c), Large Corporations and the Reform of Polish Industry, "Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas" 7, s. 345-405.
  • Nuti M. (1978), Investment, Interest and Degree of Centralization in Maurice Dobb's Theory of the Socialist Economy, "Cambridge Journal of Economics" 2 (2), s. 191-202.
  • Nuti M. (1979), The Contradictions of Socialist Economies. A Marxian Interpretation (w:) R. Miliband, J. Saville (red.) The Socialist Register 1979, London: Merlin Press, s. 228-273.
  • Nuti M. (198la), The Polish Crisis: Economic Factors and Constraints (w:) R. Miliband, J. Saville (red.) The Socialist Register 1981, London: Merlin Press, s. 104-143.
  • Nuti M. (1981b), Poland: Socialist Renewal and Economic Collapse, "The New Left Review" 1(130), s. 23-36.
  • Nuti M. (1981c), Socialism on Earth, "Cambridge Journal of Economics" 5(4), s. 391-403.
  • Nuti M. (1984), Economic Crisis in Eastern Europe: Prospects and Repercussions, Florence: European University Institute (working paper 26).
  • Nuti M. (1986), Hidden and Repressed Inflation in Soviet-Type Economies: Definitions, Measurement and Stabilisation, "Contributions to Political Economy" 5, s. 37-82.
  • Nuti M. (1987), Profit-Sharing and Employment: Claims and Overclaims, "Industrial Relations" 26 (1), s. 18-29.
  • Nuti M. (1988), Perestroika: Transition between Central Planning and Market Socialism, "Economic Policy" 3(7), s. 353-389.
  • Nuti M. (1990a) Privatisation of Socialist Economies: General Issues and the Polish Case (w:) H. Bloomenstein, M. Marrese (red.), The Transformation of Planned Economies, Paris: OECD.
  • Nuti M. (1990b) Stabilisation and Reform Seąuencing in the Soviet Union, "Recherches Economiąues de Louvain" 56 (2), s. 169-180.
  • Nuti M. (199la) Market Socialism: The Model that Might Have Been but Never Was (w:) A. Aslund (red.), Market Socialism or the Restoration of Capitalisml, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nuti M. (1991b) Stabilization and Reform Seąuencing in the Reform of Central Eastern Europe (w:) S. Commander (red.) Managing inflation in socialist economies in transition, Washington DC: EDI Seminar Series, World Bank, s. 155-174.
  • Nuti M. (1993a) Economic Inertia in the Transitional Economies of Central Eastern Europe (w:) M. Uvalic, E. Espa, J. Lorentzen (red.) Impediments to the Transition in Eastern Europe, "European Policy Studies" 1, Florence: European University Institute, s. 25-49.
  • Nuti M. (1993b) Lessonsfrom Stabilization and Reform in Central and Eastern Europe (w:) L. Somogyi (red.) The Political Economy of the Transition Process in Eastern Europe, Aldershot and Brookfield: Edward Elgar, s. 40-66.
  • Nuti M. (1995a) The Role of the State in Post-Communist Economies (w:) C. Naastepad, S. Storm (red.), The State and the Economic Process, London: Edward Elgar, s. 159-176.
  • Nuti M. (1995b) Mass Privatization: Costs and Benefits of Instant Capitalism (w:) R. Da-viddi (red.), Property Rights and Privatization in the Transition to a Market Economy, Maastricht: EIPA, s. 103-132.
  • Nuti M. (1996) Efficiency, Eąuality and Enterprise Democracy (w:) U. Pagano, R. Rowthorn (red.), Democracy and Efficiency in the Economic Enterprise, London, New York: Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks, s. 184-206.
  • Nuti M. (1997b) Employeeism: Corporate Governance and Employee Share Ownership in Transition Economies (w:) M.I. Blejer, M. Skreb (red.), Macroeconomic Stabilization in Transition Economies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 126-154.
  • Nuti M. (1998), Stocks and Stakes; the Case for Protecting Stakeholders' Interests, "Economic Analysis - Journal of Enterprise and Participation" 1 (1), s. 7-16.
  • Nuti M. (1999), Making Sence of the Third Way, "Business Strategy Review" 10 (3), s. 57-67.
  • Nuti M. (2002), Governing Incomplete Globalisation, "TIGER-WSPiZ Working Papers Series" 25, Warsaw.
  • Nuti M. (2003), Adopting the Euro in an Enlarged Union: An Obstacle Course, "TIGER Working Papers Series" 38, Warsaw.
  • Nuti M. (2004), Kalecki and Keynes Revisited: Two Original Approaches to Demand-Determined Income - and Much More Besides (w:) Z.L. Sadowski, A. Szeworski (red.), Kalecki's Economics Today, London, New York: Routledge.
  • Nuti M. (2006), Alternative Fiscal Rules for the EU New Members, "CESifo Workshop on Euro-Area Enlargement", Munich, 26 November "TIGER-WSPiZ Discussion Papers" 84, Warsaw.
  • Nuti M. (2007a), Managing Transition Economies (w:) S. White, J. Batt, P. Lewis (red.), Developments in Central and East European Politics 4, Palgrave-Duke UP.
  • Nuti M. (2007b), Exchange Rate Policy and Economic Performance in the Transition, Con-ference in Honor of Padma Desai "Russia: Soviet Past; Present Performance and Future Prospects", New York: Columbia University, 26-27 April.
  • Nuti M. (2013a), Did we go about Transition in the Right Way? (w:) P. Hare, G. Turley (red.), Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition, London, New York: Routledge, rozdz. 3, s. 48-58.
  • Nuti M. (2013b), Euroarea: Premature, Diminished Divergent, Paperpresented at a Confe-rence on Economic and Political crises in Europe and the United States", University of Trento, 7-9 November.
  • Nuti M. (2013ć),Austerity versus Development, referat: "International Conference on Management and Economic Policy for Development", Warszawa: Koźmiński University, 10-11 October.
  • Nuti M. (2014), An Overview of Transition: Founding Conference, Centrę for Research of Economic and Socio-cultural Development of CIS Countries, Central and Eastern Europe, St Petersburg, 26-27 June.
  • Nuti M. (2016), Seismic Faults in the European Union: Conference in Honour of Francesco Forte "Present and Futurę ofthe EU and EMU", University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Economics, 2-3 December, (dostęp 16.01.2021).
  • Nuti M. (2018a) The rise and fall of socialism, Berlin: DOC Research Institute, 23-24 October, (dostęp 16.01.2021), s. 1-15.
  • Nuti M. (2018) The Rise, Fall and Future Socialism, "Social Europe", 25-26 September, (dostęp 16.01.2021), s. 1-15.
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