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Changes in the Economics of Individual Farms in the 1980s
Języki publikacji
Wydatki na zakup żywności obecnie pochłaniają w Polsce około 40% dochodów osobistych ludności, toteż w warunkach niedoborów rynkowych i wzrostu cen nie może dziwić rosnące zainteresowanie problematyką rolną. Od rolnictwa oczekuje się wzrostu produkcji i jednocześnie znacznego obniżenia kosztów wytwarzania. Zwraca to uwagę na zbyt wysoki, w stosunku do innych krajów o podobnym poziomie rozwoju, udział zatrudnionych w rolnictwie oraz na zbyt rozdrobnioną strukturę agrarną i rodzi naciski na modernizację rolnictwa.(fragment tekstu)
The intra-sector shifts in the structure of purchase of production means, caused by the same conditions in which all the sectors in agriculture work, together with a small growth of the production of the technical equipment, caused an increased inflow of agrimotors and other machines to individual farms. At the same time, provision with a number of other investment means and the basic yield-producing means has got worse. An unadvantageous situation in agriculture is made even worse by the limited opportunities of migration from the villages and finding employment other than that connected with agriculture. Such a situation impedes the production growth, burdens the farms with expenditures for the purchase of technical equipment and with the costs of its exploitation. It also blocks one of the most efficient adaptative processes - improvement of the area structure of the farms. As a result, the equipment in smaller farms was poorly used, and its excess caused by the indivisibility of a part of production factors, was rarely used in the work connected with services. A rare phenomenon, too, was a joint purchase and exploitation of more expensive and efficient machines. The existence of a number of farms with poorer equipment and efficient functioning of others is still dependent of the services performed by the Agricultural Cooperatives. The latter, however, try to avoid any work fpr smaller farms which need only seasonal service. Certain adaptative activities of the farmers themselves can lead to a better utilization of the means used in non-collectivized agriculture and to the lowering of the costs of food production. These activities include different forms of cooperation in the economic sphere, better supplies of yield-producing means, and development of biological progress, creation of new working posts around agriculture (which would enable the management of the work resources coming partly or fully from agriculture), increase of the production of the technical equipment adapted to the needs of smaller farms, and finally working out the new forms of organisation which would minimize the discrepancies between the interests of an important service-giver, the Agricultural Co-operatives and the farmers. The change in the relation of prices on agricultural products and equilization of the market of production means, will probably intensify the adaptative processes within agriculture. However, it should be remembered that proces should not be only an instrument to rationalize the demand with no clear reaction from the producers, and that monopolization of the environment of agriculture can bring about worse price relationships which would lower the farmers' incomes and would have a negative influence on the size of the production.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Zakład Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej Wydziału Ekonomicznego UMCS
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