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2012 | nr 3 Prawno-polityczne wyzwania kryzysu Unii Europejskiej | 17--28
Tytuł artykułu

Europa à la carte : konsolidacja czy fragmentacja Unii Europejskiej?

Warianty tytułu
Europe à la Carte : Consolidation or Fragmentation of the European Union
Języki publikacji
Rozważając problem ewolucji ustrojowej Unii Europejskiej, należy odnieść się przede wszystkim do trzech problemów: kondycji Unii w świetle jej statusu ustrojowego po wejściu w życie traktatu z Lizbony (1 grudnia 2009 r.); zakresu legitymacji demokratycznej Unii oraz kwestii najistotniejszej - zachowania przez Unię spójności, zwłaszcza w świetle obecnego kryzysu finansowego w niektórych państwach strefy euro. (fragment tekstu)
On principle, the member countries of the European Union belong to different decision circles. Nowadays, belonging to the euro zone is becoming of a great importance, due to the fact that over the last few months the decision-making process in the issues most vital for the Union has moved to this group. The countries considering joining this group (e.g. Poland) should take into consideration not only the fulfilment of the economic convergent criteria the basic premise), but also the political aspect: it will be difficult for a country not belonging to the euro zone to build a strong position in the European Union decision-making process. Among various discussed options considering the euro zone in connection with the current economic crisis, the most realistic is the alternative of further existence of the zone but in a different form: the change will consider both the mechanisms of the zone functioning and its scope. The mechanisms accepted by the European Union within the framework of combating the euro zone crisis (the Treaty on the European Stability Mechanism, the Europlus Pact, the Treaty on Fiscal Union) indicate the basic dilemma which the European integration is confronted with: these actions may contribute to the consolidation of the Union and the strengthening of its position, but they may also initiate the process of its fragmentation. Irrespectively of this problem, the current situation resembles the old concept of Europe à la carte, according to which each member state would be able to choose from the European menu the areas which suit them most. However, the difference might be that the status of countries in the European decision-making process will be unalike. (original abstract)
  • Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
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  • Sobczyński D.,, Ramy prawne tzw. mechanizmu greckiego oraz Europejskiego Mechanizmu Stabilności, "Europejski Przegląd Sądowy" 2012, nr 2.
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