Warianty tytułu
An Assignment Problem of Specific Structure
Języki publikacji
Autor zajmuje się problemem optymalnego (w odniesieniu do kosztów inwestycji i transportu) położenia m obiektów w n dopuszczalnych punktach przy założeniu, że m ≤ n oraz przy założeniu, że nie każdy obiekt może znajdować się w każdym punkcie.
The author deals with the problem of optimal (with reference to the investment and transportation costs) location of m objects in n acceptable points under the assumption that m ≤ n and the restriction that not each object can be located in each point. It is shown that such a problem can be described by means cf well-known models, f.e. the Koopmans-Beckmann quadratic assignment problem or the Lawler 0-1 linear programming problem. Basing on the specific structure of this problem a mathematical model is formulated. It is of smaller size as compared to the models mentioned above. This fact is illustrated by an example. The author also shows that it is possible to include into the model the transportation connections between objects to be located and already existing ones. (original abstract)
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