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As a sector of economy, trade tends to provide the strongest and quickest response to an economic change at the national, regional or local level. It is mainly reflected in the ownership structure and location of trading outlets. (...) Cracow has nearly 30 operating hypermarkets (as defined after GUS/Central Statistical Office1) with various areas, and retail and stocking programs (Table 1; Figure 1). While their shopping areas range from 2500 m2to 15000 m2, there is even more diversity in their overall sizes yarying from 3500 m2 to more than ten thousand, to the maximum of 25000 m2 at Carrefour, 26000 m2 at Geant, and nearly 50000 m2 at the Zakopianka shopping centre (consisting of a number of hypermarkets), one of the largest in Poland. Overall, large-area shops account for ca. 30% of the Cracow's shopping area [Więcław, 2003]. (fragment of text)
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