Warianty tytułu
Vliânie nekotoryh âvlenij èkonomičeskogo razvitiâ v srednevekovʹena obrazovanie sistemy buhgaltersko
The Influerce of Some Phenomena of the Mediaeral Economic Derelopment on the Creation of the System of Accountancy
Języki publikacji
Życiu gospodarczemu człowieka towarzyszyła zawsze ewidencja gospodarcza. Oznacza to, że już na bardzo wczesnym etapie rozwoju, człowiek zaczął utrwalać różne fakty o charakterze majątkowym. Według historyków rachunkowości, jako najstarszy zapis zmian majątkowych należy traktować dwie serie nacięć na płytce z rogów rena, odnalezionej przez Fugiera. Płytka ta pochodzi z okresu średniego paleolitu, zwanego epoką Aurignac. Jak uważa F. Melis, znalezisko to jest protoplastą dzisiejszego konta.(fragment tekstu)
Accountancy came into being in the form of so-called merchant accountancy at the turn of the 12th and the 13th centuries in the Italian city-states. According to a widely accepted view, its rise was connected with extremely rapid development of trade in the Mediteranean, after the Crusades. This statement, however, is of a very general nature and it does not account for all the mechanisms leading to the creation of the system of information in the form of accountancy. The very economic rise as such does not have to result in uniting the information in one system. Only a thorough observation of the economic situation of that period of the Middle Ages leads to the conclusion that new, so far unknown economic phenomena were the direct cause of the creation of accountancy. The phenomena meant here were widely spread trade companies, so-called commands. As association of several joint owners brought about the necessity for a complex viewing of the company's wealth and a detailed establishement of the wealth in short periods of time. It was indispensable for a fair division of profits among the partners and for the study of the efficiency of the capital. The economic development in the 13th c. was accompanied by considerable civilizational progress, especially well seen in the sphere of the material culture. This makes it possible to fulfil the needs in the sphere of the information from the ''technical" point of view.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
- F. Melis: Storia della Regioneria. Bologna 1950
- E. Boyd, Ancient systems of Accounting [w] książce pod red. R. Browna: A History of Accoutning and Accountans. Edinburgh 1950
- F. Besta: La Ragioneria. Vol. II, Milan 1891
- T. Zerbi: Le origini della partita doppia, Milano 1952
- T. Peche: Teoretyczne podstawy rachunkowości. SGPiS, Warszawa 1974
- A. C. Littleton: Accounting Evolution to 1900, New York 1933
- A.C. Littleton, B. S. Yamey: Studies in History of Accounting, London 1956
- S. Skrzywan: Teoretyczne podstawy rachunkowości, PWE, Warszawa 1986
- T. Peche, Podstawy współczesnej ewidencji gospodarczej, PWN, Warszawa 1976
- W. Heyd: Geschichte des Levantehandels im Mittelalter. Bd. I, Stuttgart 1874
- T. Manteuffel: Historia powszechna średniowiecza, PWN, Warszawa 1968
- D. Murray: Chapters in the History of Bookkeeping Accountancy and Commercial Arithmetic.Jackson, Wylie and. Co., Glasgow 1930
- Jean-Pau1 Roux: Średniowiecze szuka drogi w świat. Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1969
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