z. 113 Les transformations du milieu montagnard-Carpates, Massif central et autres montagnes d'Europe
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Cs-137 Used as an Indicator of Slope Process Activity in the Monts Dore, Massif Central, France
Języki publikacji
The paper presents the results of an investigation into the concentration of caesium-137 in selected slope sections made in the Monts Dore (1886 m), a massif in the highest part of the French Massif Central. Existing studies define the area as a high-mountain volcanic massif influenced by marine climate. The land relief is dominated by systems of niche-hollows, sharp erosional edges, flow lines and proluvial cones. Field research conducted in the area in 1995 and 2000 revealed a great variation in the Cs-137 concentration in soils, both within investigated section and overall in the whole massif. Typically, concentration values dropped rapidly with depth. At the depth of 10-15 cm there was just 9-21 percent of the surface concentration value. The principal reason for the variation in the Caesium contamination in the slope cover is the varied intensity of the displacement of the slope material by downwash and erosion. Those processes have a varied impact on the slopes despite the binding grass vegetation. The impact is the greatest along the linear relief forms, such as slope chutes, but there are slope sections subject to very weak degradation or even stable. Overall, the rock-waste transport mechanisms are complex and related to the complex land micro-relief. The typical fine rock-waste found in the area undergoes multiple transport cycles until it reaches the slope foot and is washed into the streams. Short slopes feature less modelling than longer slopes. The field research has shown that contemporary modelling of grass-covered slopes concentrates along chutes, slope hollows and concentrated down-wash zones. Geomorphologie investigation using the caesium method has confirmed a high diversity in slope modelling in the the Monts Dore and that all kinds of chutes and flow lines constitute the most active zones of degradation in the area discussed. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
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