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2004 | z. 113 Les transformations du milieu montagnard-Carpates, Massif central et autres montagnes d'Europe | 61--72
Tytuł artykułu

Le suivi de la degradation des sols dans la zone des itineraires touristiques: l'exemple du Parc National des Bieszczady

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Monitoring of the Soil Cover Destructions within the Footpaths of the Bieszczady National Park
Języki publikacji
According to the Protection Plan in the Bieszczady National Park has been realised program of monitoring natural environment damage along the footpaths since 1995. The following categories of degradation were determined: I - unchanged track, II - barely -changed track, III - menaced track, IV - devastated track, V - strongly devastated track (Tab. 1). The main criterion adopted for the categories determination was the width of trail (0,5 m in width - for category I, 0,5-1 m - for category II, 1,0-3,0 m - for category III, 3,0-5,0 - for category IV and above 5,0 m for category V). It was noticed that total length of footpaths sections which were determined to III-V categories considerably increased in 1995-2000 (Fig. 2). The valorisation of tourist trails in the area of Tarnica and Halicz mountain group (the highest in of the Park) according to the five degrees of environment damage in 2001 is presented in Fig. 3-4. Strongly degraded (IV or V categories) there were about 40% of the trails in those area. The totally trampled areas cover as much as 350 m2 in the summit area of the Tarnica top, 260 m2 on the pass between Mt. Tarnica and Szeroki Wierch, 200 m2 - on the Halicz and Smerek tops (Tab. 2). Detailed soil research was carried on the foot trail Wołosate-Tarnica-Halicz (Fig. 1). Three soil profiles (2, 4 and 6) were located directly on the trail other. Other three (1,3 and 5) were placed in the closest vicinity of the trails. They represented natural and unchanged soil cover. Plots no 7 and 9 were installed in areas where some technical conservation of the trails was done. They represented regenerated soils (excluded from the tourist impact). The physical properties of the researched soils are presented in Table 3. The properties of soils from the tracks were worsened because of tourist impact. There was noticed lesser porosity (n) and air permeability (Pp) in comparison to natural soils. The texture of soil. It was observed that the water infiltration in congested surface layers of the trampled soils from the trails is very limited (Fig. 6). A lack of porous organic and humus horizons in degraded soils decrease their retention. Water permeability was even several times higher in unchanged soils. The hand penetrometer was used for the measurement of soil cohesion. The penetration resistance (kg*cnr2) of the penetrometer is presented in Fig. 7. The texture of the surface horizons of degraded soils had from 0,6 to 2 bigger the degree of compaction. On the trails where the tourist movement was excluded the soil cover regeneration in possible. It was shown in the research of their physical properties (porosity, bulk density, cohesion, permeability). There is a need of permanent monitoring of the destruction occurring within the footpaths or in places where some conservative actions are undertaken. The consequences of excessive ground trampling along the marked foot trails seem to be the main problem of the Bieszczady Natural Park protection. (original abstract)
  • Parc National des Bieszczady
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