z. 113 Les transformations du milieu montagnard-Carpates, Massif central et autres montagnes d'Europe
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The geoecological assessment of the Cervené Skały National Nature Reserve in the Galmus Mountains, Slovakia
Języki publikacji
The Carpathian Mts. constitute a rare and unique treasure in the highly urbanized and industrialized Europe. In the Slovak Carpathian Mountains many of the protected areas owe this status in order to protect of their karst relief. One of the examples is the National Nature Reserve Červene skaly. Steep slopes of Galmus and of the Porâèsky stream valley with well-preserved associations of forest and rocks, with Poráčsky karst and rare species of wildlife and vegetation are subject to legal protection. The Červené skaly National Nature Reserve is located to the southeast of the Spišská Nová Ves in the easternmost part of the Slovenské Rudohorie Mts., near Krompachy, between the villages Slovinky and Poráč. In the geomorphological division of Slovakia the studied area is part of the Western Carpathian province and Internal Western Carpathian r-bprovince. On a lower level, it belongs to the Slovenské rudohorie Mts., Volovské vrchy Mts., Hnilecké vrchy Mts. and Galmus Mts. The geology of the reserve consists mainly of the tectonic unit of Silicicum with the complexes of Middle Triassic limestones and dolomites that have predetermined re overall karstic nature of these mountains and numerous karst features. The originally uniform planated surface of the Galmus Mts. was dissected by Poraösky stream into two separate karst plateaux during the Pliocene/Pleistocene era; the Galmus plateau in the north md Slovinskâ skala plateau in the south. The Galmus and Slovinskâ skala represent the midmountain planation surface of the Slovenské rudohorie Mts. There is a system of karst relief :brms, such as karrens and karren fields, dolines, uvalas, hums, etc. The reserve covers a middle part of Poraöska valley. This area has a fluvio-karst nature and could be defined as a karst gorge or canyon. Numerous karst features are found in the reserve, i.e. caves, rock windows, karst springs and resurgences, etc. The caves tend to be small with poor decoration and have been created by corrosive processes. From the climatic point of view, this area belongs to the cold climatic vertical belt and to the moderately cold one. According to another division (climatic-geographical types) the area of NNR Ćervene skały belongs to the type of the mountain climate with minor temperature inversions, humid and very humid air and to the subtype of cold mountain climate (annual sum of temperatures of 10°C and more: 1200-1600, temperature in July: 13.5-16°C, temperature in January: -5°C to -6.5°C, annual amplitude: 19.5-21°С, precipitation: 800-1110 mm per year). The Poračsky stream, with the basin area of 20 square kilometres, forms the axis of the reserve and the valley. The stream has an allochthonous origin with low inconstant discharge and belongs to the drainage basin of the Hornâd river. The Reserve is built on a hydrogeological unit of Mesozoicum with crack and crack-karst permeability. This territory is part of the hydrogeological structure of Poraćska valley with the area of 9,7 km2 drained by the Poraösky stream and features numerous springs (mainly karst springs and resurgences). The most abundant springs (Poráč I, Poráč II, Poráč III) are used for water supply via an aqueduct. Just as the rest of Slovakia's territory, the area is situated in the medium zone of a Central European soil and geographical area, particularly in the Cambisol and Luvisol zone with coincident types of the intrazone soils. As regards the soil types, the most widespread are Rendzinas. Other soils include Cambisols, Calcaric lithosols, Fluvisols etc. The relict types of soils are substituted by Terra Rossa. From the geobotanical point of view (natural, reconstructed vegetation) the prevailing part of the reserve on the carbonate rocks belongs to the vegetation unit of limestone beech stands and relict Scottish pine stands. The vegetation of the reserve can easily be divided into two main species: 1) forest species: European beech (Fagus silvatica), European fir (Abies alba), Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), Norwegian spruce (Picea abies), Common larch (Larix decidua), Durmast oak (Quercus petraea), (Taxus baccata), Grey alder (Aims incana), etc.; and 2) rock-cliff species with the unique appearance of relict Scottish pines stands (Pinus sylvestris). Also, many Carpathian endemic species are to be found here. As regards the wildlife conditions one can find typical inhabitants of the Slovak Carpathian Mountains including such rare large mammals as the wildcat (Felis silvestris), wolf (Canis lupus), lynx (Lynx lynx), as well as other species: Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Aquila chrysaetos, Falco cherrug, Myotis mystacinus and many others. Based on the physiscal and geographical analysis and using information from detailed field research the author defines physical-geographical complexes at various taxonomic levels. The division is based on land relief, with exposure, rock structure and hydrological conditions as secondary factors. In the past, the area was subject to adverse impact of iron ore mining and air pollution from the Kovohuty Krompachy copper smelting plant. Today, the most significant menace is an illegal logging and cattle grazing within the protected area, forest fires caused by undisciplined tourists, and other unproper behaviour including the daily breaking of the car traffic ban in the valley, walking out of the signed footpaths, etc. The whole reserve and its close surroundings ought to be protected from tourist development and all tourist, sport and other mass events should be banned. The main objective of human activity in the reserve should be the protection of this natural heritage and its preservation for future generations. The author wishes that this becomes priority in the fùture. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Université de Presov, Slovaquie
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