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2004 | z. 113 Les transformations du milieu montagnard-Carpates, Massif central et autres montagnes d'Europe | 85--96
Tytuł artykułu

Le climat et les resources climatiques des Carpates

Warianty tytułu
The Climate and Climatic Resources in the Carpathian Mts.
Języki publikacji
The paper presents the main climatic features of the Carpathian Mts., one of the climatic barriers of Europe. The characteristic presented, however, is based on a rather limited material from the stations within and at the foot the Carpathian Mts. since no organised international climate research programme (like ALPEX for the Alps) has ever been instituted for the whole area of the Carpathian Mts. Tables 2-7 present mean monthly values of the selected climatic components during 1961-1990. Many climatic peculiarities are being observed due to the influence of the ground relief and elevation. Large valleys develop local circulation, while the foehn winds occur in the Tatra Mts. and in the Poprad river and the Tabor river valleys. An inverted temperature and humidity zone featuring increased cloudiness is located the Polish Western Carpathian Mts., at 1,100-1,500 m a.s.l. Consequently, the local values of sunshine duration are the lowest (Orliczowa 1969, Olecki 1989). Hess (1965) elaborated a vertical climatic zoning in Polish Western Carpathian Mts., based on mean annual temperature. Precipitation is one of the most varied of climatic components. Deep within the mountain range and in their eastern part, the valleys and basins tend to remain in a "precipitation shadow" (e.g. Vrfu Omu has much less precipitation than Kasprowy Wierch even though it is much higher). The most potentially dangerous meteorological phenomenon is abundant, flood-triggering precipitation. In the Carpathian Mts., the most disastrous flood was recorded in 1934, while the highest daily precipitation value, 300 mm, was recorded at Hala Gąsienicowa on 30 April, 1973 (Cebulak 1998). Climatic resources for agriculture, transportation, tourism and energy production are highly varied, but rather limited on the whole. The contemporary climatic changes can be observed in the Carpathian foothills, where the mean annual air temperature increased by 1°C in the period 1881-1990 (Obrębska-Starklowa et al. 1994). (original abstract)
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