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2004 | z. 113 Les transformations du milieu montagnard-Carpates, Massif central et autres montagnes d'Europe | 241--250
Tytuł artykułu

Les espaces domestiques, lieux privilegies de la territorialisation urbaine? Des townships de durban aux quartiers ouvriers de Clermont-Ferrand

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Domestic Spaces, Urban Territories? From South African Townships (Durban) to French Working Areas (Clermont-Ferrand)
Języki publikacji
Even if they are not well studied, domestic spaces are privileged field to analyse dialectic links between spaces and societies: open/closed, internal/external, private/public. They are places for individual and institutional strategies, of memory and identity, of patrimony. From Durban (South Africa) to Clermont-Ferrand (France), domestic places of working class inhabitants have been analysed. Homes have been designed by municipal authorities or by the enterprise (Michelin), imposed to their inhabitants as tools of social control, according to impose social and family models. Those imposed spaces have been "domesticated", physically and symbolically appropriated through changes and transformations. They become differentiated spaces, with different uses and social status for each room. These domestic spaces become places of memory, incarnating the social and family history and identity, heritage to transmit. They are an urban territory, first level of urban appropriation for rural populations, sometimes foreigners, whom urban practices and representations are often fragmented. They are place for security, emotional and material investments in the living area as well as in the city. (original abstract)
  • Domestic Spaces, Urban Territories? From South African Townships (Durban) to French Working Areas (Clermont-Ferrand)
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