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Purpose: The aim was to analyze inconsistencies in the production process of rebated internal frame and panel doors using KPIs and to identify causes of deviations from the quality plan using selected quality management tools. Design/methodology/approach: KPIs and instruments of quality management (Pareto-Lorenz diagram, Ishikawa diagram and 5Why?) were used. The survey covered products manufactured in the third and fourth quarters of 2019. Findings: It was found that the most serious non-compliance was the presence of an uneven rim surface (Pareto-Lorenz diagram). Potential causes were inadequate gluing of the door leaf layers and the use of worn flange processing equipment (Ishikawa diagram). On the other hand, the root cause of the quality problem turned out to be the lack of supervision and proper training of employees (5Why method). Research limitations/implications: The presented research process has no limitations - it can be used in manufacturing companies. Further research will concern the application of the methodology to the analysis of other products offered by the company. Practical implications: the research contributed to the identification of the causes of the lowered quality level, which will allow to implement appropriate remedial measures. As part of the improvement measures, training must be carried out at the workplace and the availability of work instructions must be ensured. Originality/value: so far no extended quality analyses have been conducted in the company - no KPIs have been used in combination with extended analyses carried out with the use of quality management tools. The presented methodology is useful for the company where the analysis was made and for the manufacturing companies that want to effectively improve their production processes.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Rzeszow University of Technology
- Rzeszow University of Technology
- Technical University of Technology, Košice
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