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2021 | 55 | nr 2 | 107--123
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From Scientist to Broker, and How Brokers Use Their Social Capital to Develop Talents at Universities

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The social capital of an organization is one of the key success factors of enterprises that build their competitive position in the market. This resource, obtained from social structures, can also be used to achieve goals set for public sector organizations, such as universities. Universities operate in conditions of high uncertainty, changing roles, and expectations of stakeholders, which requires adaptability and flexibility of operation. In addition to improving the quality of research and teaching, one of the important evaluation criteria is also the ability to transfer knowledge to the economy and commercialization of research. One of the activities undertaken by universities to support employees in ongoing changes is the implementation of academic scouting, introducing departmental innovation brokers who play the role of coaches/mentors, supporting research and teaching staff by commercializing their research results. The aim of the article is to show how the social capital of departmental innovation brokers supports the development of competences of scientific and research scholars. Based on the conducted qualitative research, it was presented how brokers use their social capital to achieve multidimensional goals in relation to other people, as well as organizational goals resulting from the entrusted function. Factors hindering the cooperation of departmental innovation brokers with academics, which are manifested in various areas of social capital - structural, cognitive, and relational - were analyzed.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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